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Capoeira is a very rich art with many elements, dance, martial art, acrobatics and music. Most practitioners will find some part easier to achieve than others. Some people want different things from their sessions. Some students are highly motivated while other just want to have a bit of fun. We offer all options.

History of Capoeira

The history of capoeira begins in the 18th century. The oldest known descriptive text on capoeira was written by Melo de Morais Filho, who documented the popular traditions of Brazil.

The slaves in Brazil created Capoeira during their battle for freedom. Since then capoeira has developed further and even adopted techniques from other martial arts. Today there are two forms of capoeira; one is called Capoeira Angola and the other called Capoeira Regional.

Mestre Pastinha and
Capoeira Angola

Mestre Pastinha believed that Capoeira was African, mainly from the region of Angola.

Capoeira Angola is typically a slower style of capoeira usually played lower to the ground.

Biriba Brasil

The Biriba Brasil school was founded in 2001 by Mestre Requeijão and Mestre Jorge. The style practised and taught is neither Angola nor Regional but a mix of all that is capoeira. We believe that if movements and techniques work and suit the practitioner ther is no reason to exclude them so long as they adhere to the spirit of capoeira.

The group is open and friendly and welcomes all with an interest in capoeira regardless of anything else. We accommodate all.

Mestre Bimba and
Capoeira Regional

Mestre Bimba believed that Capoeira was Brazilian thus being a regional art.

Capoeira Regional is typically a faster style of Capoeira usually played using a higher stance and thus higher kicks.

Food for thought.....

“Capoeira is a very rich art with so much to offer. If you only practice one style of capoeira and leave out all others it's like you're only eating one piece of a cake and leaving the rest" 

Mestre Requeijão, founder of Biriba Brasil

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